REVIEWS on MyFamily.com Hoard Family site My name is Christine Hoard. I went to Fort Atkinson to visit the Hoard museum yesterday and I was given your e-mail address as a contact. I was told you have done extensive research on the Hoard name. I have been able to search to Ohio and also there is a good chance we are decendants of Hezikiah Horr. Sincerely, Christine Hoard Here is Christine's Tree..... Thank you Christine! Descendants of Pardy Hoard Generation No. 1 1. PARDY16 HOARD (SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE)1 was born Abt. 1790 in NY, and died Abt. 1859 in Sherman, MI. He married RUTH SPRAGUE1 Unknown. Notes for PARDY HOARD: Father probably Simeon (based on 1820-1840 NY census). Would have been in Sheldon NY (Genessee Co.). Simeon was born abt 1765. Pardy's brothers could be : William abt 1785, Simeon Jr abt 1785, James abt 1795, Henry abt 1795, George abt 1790, Elisha abt 1790 and David abt 1790. Simeon could have brother Samuel abt 1760. Simeon's father could be Hesekiah (in Rensselaur Co NY 1810, would have been between 26-45 years old), or David (in Genessee Co NY in 1810, would have been 16-26 years old). Pardy, Parda, Pardee...have found several spellings of Pardy's name in the US Census and tax records. Pardy is shown living in the Sheldon NY (Genesee Co.) area from 1820 through 1830, in Thompson OH (Geauga Co.) in 1840, and last shows up in a US Census in 1850 when he farmed near Sherman MI (St. Josephs Co.). We assume that he died in Sherman between 1850-1860 as the 1860 Census shows Pardy's wife Ruth living with Pardy Jr's family in Sherman at that time. 1841 tax records from Thompson OH show that Pardy owned 100 acres of land valued at $233. He also owned 1 horse and 3 cattle. Simeon Hoard lived nearby and is shown as owning 4 cattle (Simeon's last tax recond in Thompson was in 1843). There are no tax records showing land or livestock ownership by Pardy Jr in 1841, but it appears that Pardy gave or sold 50 of his acres to Pardy Jr in 1842 (1842 tax records show each with 50 acres valued at $116). There are no tax records for Pardy after 1844, and Pardy Jr's land remained at 50 acres through 1849 at which time he apparently left for Michigan. Land value for the 50 acres had climbed to $295 by 1847. It could be that Pardy Jr moved to MI at the time of his father's death and took over Pardy's farm there...would need to check tax and death records in Sherman. Although we have not yet been able to document Ruth's surname, family notes (Clarence Hoard) mention that Pardy married an English woman named Sprague. There appears to be a very close relationship between the Hoards and Spragues as Moses Sprague witnessed Pardy Jr and Roxanna's marriage license, and the Spragues show up in the 1850 MI census as living near Pardy Jr's family. Roxanna (Roxana) is listed in the "List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883" in Cartwright, Chippewa County, WI. Receiving $8.00/month. Reason for pension is "widow". Certificate # 30,117. So it appears that she moved to WI and may have lived for a time with her son Orange. Need to look at records for Chippewa Co to see if Roxanna died there. Children of PARDY HOARD and RUTH SPRAGUE are: 2. i. PARDY17 HOARD, JR., b. Abt. 1818, Sheldon, Genesee Co., NY; d. August 19, 1863, Detroit, MI. ii. RUTH C. HOARD, b. 1828, NY; d. Unknown, unk; m. ROBERT ENGLE, Unknown, unk. Notes for RUTH C. HOARD: Ruth and husband Robert Engle were living with Pardy (Parda) in Sherman MI in 1850, based on census. iii. ORPHA S. HOARD, b. 1832, NY. Generation No. 2 2. PARDY17 HOARD, JR. (PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE)1 was born Abt. 1818 in Sheldon, Genesee Co., NY, and died August 19, 1863 in Detroit, MI. He married ROXANA STEARNS1 January 04, 1838 in Thompson, OH, daughter of BENJAMIN STEARNS and MATILDA SPRAGUE. Notes for PARDY HOARD, JR.: Pardy Jr married Roxana Stearns January 04, 1838. Two marriage licenses were filed the same day in the Town of Thompson OH...the first was marked by Roxana's father Benjamin (he signed the form with an "X" as he apparently did not know how to write), and the second by Moses Sprague (who may be related to Pardy's wife Ruth, or to Roxana). Both Pardy Jr and Roxana were under aged, so consent had to be given for both to marry (Pardy was 18 and Roxanna was "over 14"). Pardy Jr first shows up as the head of a family in the 1850 U.S. Census, when he was 30 years old and Roxana was 29. It appears that Pardy Jr and Roxana moved to the Sherman MI area between 1840-1850 with Pardy and Ruth. The Spragues also moved to the Sherman area at the same time, so must have had close ties to Pardy & Ruth and/or Pardy Jr and Roxana. In 1860, Pardy Jr is shown farming near Sherman MI, with real estate valued at $300 and personal property valued at $250. The 1872 St. Josephs County Atlas shows Roxana as owning land in Sherman Township, Section 28. The "List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883" show Roxana receiving a pension of $8.00/month as a widow (Certificate 30,117) in Cartwright, Chippewa County WI. It appears that she may have been living with her son Orange at this time. Her pension was at $12/month when she received her last payment on June 4, 1894 (payments were stopped due to Roxana's death near that time). Copies of the contents of Roxana's pension file were obtained by Gary Hoard on April 4, 1999. Pardy enlisted January 12, 1863. He was mustered into service at Coldwater MI on January 22 as a Private in Company E, 9th Michigan Cavalry. A memo from the Adjutant General's office shows that Pardy was reported as on "detached service" at Coldwater MI during July and August of 1863. Pardy was admitted to the Fort Hospital in Detroit on August 7, 1863 and died on August 19th of typhoid fever. His remains were shipped back to Sherman, but we have not found where he is buried. According to Clarence Hoard's notes:"Great grandfather Pardy Hoard was Irish but came from England (which we know is not true), and married an English woman, Miss Sprague. He served in the Civil War and was never heard of after leaving home for the lines after a leave of absence." Children of PARDY HOARD and ROXANA STEARNS are: 3. i. ORANGE BATESMAN18 HOARD, b. December 1840, Auburn, OH; d. April 10, 1905, Friendship, WI. ii. PETER HOARD1, b. 1841, OH; d. Unknown, unknown. iii. LOIS HOARD, b. 1843, MI. 4. iv. ESTELLA S. HOARD, b. 1850, Sherman, MI; d. November 20, 1904, unk. v. THOMAS HOARD, b. September 25, 1852, Sherman, MI. vi. MAJOR HOARD, b. March 17, 1855, Sherman, MI; d. Unknown, unknown; m. MINNIE L. HEBERLEE, Unknown, St. Joseph, MI. Notes for MAJOR HOARD: "Scalped by Indians near Sturgis MI" - Clarence Hoard vii. HENRY HOARD, b. May 14, 1858, Sherman, MI. viii. LEVI HOARD1, b. 18471. ix. HELEN HOARD1, b. 18401. Generation No. 3 3. ORANGE BATESMAN18 HOARD (PARDY17, PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE)1 was born December 1840 in Auburn, OH, and died April 10, 1905 in Friendship, WI. He married (1) ELIZABETH A. CUTSFORTH Abt. 1855 in St. Joseph, MI. He married (2) MARY C. MCNAIVARE October 29, 1878 in Auburn, OH. He married (3) EZELIA C. MAXSON Abt. 1880 in unknown. Notes for ORANGE BATESMAN HOARD: Was living with his parents Pardy Jr and Roxanna near Sherman MI in 1850 and 1860, is shown in the 1880 Census as living in Auburn Wi, and in the 1900 Census is living in Adams WI. Was a private in Co E, Regiment 17, Infantry, P.O. Friendship, and may have served with Pardy Jr in the Civil War. His father may have died during the war. The 17th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Randall, Madison, WI and mustered into the service of the United States on the 15th of March, 1862. The regiment left the state March 23, going directly to St Louis, and from there on April 10 to Pittsburg Landing, TN, disembarking there on the 14th of April. It took part in the advance on Corinth and the siege which followed April 29th to June 10, 1862, and in the Battle of Corinth October 3-4, 1862. Early in November it reported at Grand Junction, TN, to take part in the contemplated advance upon Vicksburg. Until January it was actively engaged in various movements in western TN. In the latter part of the month it proceeded to Memphis TN and embarked down the Mississippi River reaching Young's Point, LA on the 25th of January, 1863; it encamped there and at Lake Providence, and on May 12 it crossed the river at Grand Gulf, joining the army under Grant which was actively engaged in the campaign. Taking part in the battle of Champion's Hill, May 16, and on the 19th of May took it's place in the trenches at the beginning of the siege of Vicksburg, May 19-July 4, 1863, and participated there until the surrender. On the 14th of July with other troops it proceeded to an occupied Natchez, MS, where the Seventeenth remained until the latter part of October 1863, when it returned to Vicksburg. During its stay at Natchez it participated in a large number of scouting expeditions and skirmishes. On the 5th of May, 1864, the Seventeenth was assigned to the Third Brigade, Third Division of the Seventeenth Army Corps Army of the Tennessee, of Sherman's Army, and as a part of such organization participated in the Atlanta Campaign May 1-September 8, 1864. Participating in the battles of Kennesaw Mountain, Chattahoochie River, Jonesborough and Lovejoy Station. Also in the "March to the Sea" November 15-December 21, and in the Campaign of the Carolinas January 1-April 26, 1865. The Seventeenth participated in the Grand Review at Washington May 24, 1865, and was sent to Louisville KY, and there was mustered out on July 14, 1865. The regiment reached Madison on July 17, and was soon thereafter disbanded. From:"Seventeenth Wisconsin Infantry Regiment" - Wisconsin Veterans Museum. According to documents found in Orange's pension file, he was shot in the left elbow and leg at Petersburg on June 19, 1864 and was taken to the Army hospital at City Point, VA. He was then sent to the Soldiers Hospital at Alexandria, VA on July 4, 1864. In August was furloughed to Harvey General Hospital in Madison, WI. Was furloughed again Oct 28, 1864 and returned to the lines on December 9, 1864. Was furloughed on April 7, 1865 and returned on May 6, 1865. Orange was discharged due to muster out on May 24, 1865. Orange was reported a deserter from December 6 to December 9, 1864. The charge of desertion was removed by Special Order on January 24, 1865. We have several affidavits from Orange's friends and neighbors stating that he suffered significant hearing loss due to cannon fire while in the service. The "List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883" shows Orange receiving a pension of $6.00/month for a wound to the left elbow. He was living in Cartwright, Chippewa County, WI at the time. According to Clarence Hoard's notes: "Grandfather Hoard (O.B.), Civil War veteran, married an English woman by the name of Cutsforth. He lived at New Auburn WI. Later and at his death he carried mail to the Kilbourne (the Dells) and Coloma via the Star Route. His third wife was named Watson, who also preceeded him in death. O.B. was married a second time to a Catholic woman, but only lived with her a short time on account of differences in religion. It is reported that there was a son of which we have never heard. At one time O.B. lived near Poynette WI and Pleasant Lake near Westfield, where Joseph W. Hoard was born. O.B. was a husky man over 6 feet and weighing over 200 pounds. He was jolly, jovial and well versed in the bible which he loved to talk and argue over. He was well known throughout Adams County, where he drove the stage many years. He was a horse doctor and horse trader. He drank heavy in his later years and died of dropsy about 1906." Adams County Press 2/11/1905 --------------------------------------------------- O.B. Hoard is seriously ill at the home of his son-in-law, W.J. Quinnell. Adams County Press 2/18/1905 --------------------------------------------------- Owing to the impassible condition of the roads, the Coloma stage did not get through Monday. Mr. Hoard started and went several miles getting his horses into the drifts so they had to be shoveled out several times. Adams County Press 2/25/1905 --------------------------------------------------- O.B. Hoard mention of whose serious illness has been made in the Press is slowly on the gain. Adams County Press 4/1/1905 ------------------------------------------------- O.B. Hoard died at the home of his son in law W.J. Quinnell west of town Tuesday morning, March 28 of dropsy. Mr. Hoard had been a resident of the village for about 15 years and was well known throughout this section. He was a veteran of the war of the Rebellion. His was a peculiar character, gruff, outspoken yet kind hearted and pleasant. He had been in failing health for a year past being most of the time confined to the house. During his long sickness he was ever hopeful and cheerful. Mr. Hoard is survived by one daughter Mrs. W.J. Quinnell and several sons Joseph W. Hoard of this village, the others we have been unable to learn their names and residences. Funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. Quinnell on Wednesday at 1 pm. Reverend A.H. Smith officiating. The G.A.R. of which the deceased was a member attending in a body. Interment being in Mount Repose Cemetary. The Illustrated Events - Kilbourne 1905 --------------------------------------------------------------- O.B. Hoard, a veteran of the Civil War, died in Friendship April 10, aged 68 years. For some time he drove the stage between Kilbourne and Friendship. More About EZELIA C. MAXSON: Cause of Death: Heart disease Children of ORANGE HOARD and ELIZABETH CUTSFORTH are: 5. i. JOSEPH WATSON19 HOARD, b. May 25, 1867, New Auburn, WI; d. May 12, 1933, Friendship, WI. 6. ii. PETER A. HOARD, b. December 28, 1870, Chippewa Falls, WI; d. December 14, 1962, Cohasset, MN. 7. iii. CHARLES C. HOARD, b. 1862, WI; d. Unknown, unknown. 8. iv. RUEBEN BENJAMIN HOARD, b. 1865, unknown; d. Unknown, unknown. 9. v. OLIVE MERCY HOARD, b. October 25, 1869, Montello, WI; d. January 16, 1918, Friendship, WI. 4. ESTELLA S.18 HOARD (PARDY17, PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE)1 was born 1850 in Sherman, MI, and died November 20, 1904 in unk1. She married CHARLES HUGHES1, son of WILLIAM HUGHES. Children of ESTELLA HOARD and CHARLES HUGHES are: i. CARRIE BELL19 HUGHES1, b. November 1873, Michigan1; d. January 30, 1923, unk1; m. ELLSWORTH NIMROD HOWELL1, September 01, 18901. ii. MAUD M. HUGHES1, b. 18751. Generation No. 4 5. JOSEPH WATSON19 HOARD (ORANGE BATESMAN18, PARDY17, PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE) was born May 25, 1867 in New Auburn, WI, and died May 12, 1933 in Friendship, WI. He married (1) JULIA ETTA DAGGETT November 30, 1887 in Dodge Center, MN, daughter of LUCIUS DAGGETT and NELLIE TIDD. He married (2) CORDELIA PATEFIELD LAMPHAER August 23, 1922 in Adams, WI. Notes for JOSEPH WATSON HOARD: Joseph met Julia Etta Daggett when he took a load of pine trees to Dodge Center MN. Was county sheriff and Star Rt. teamster (stagecoach) while living in Friendship. Was elected sheriff of Adams County WI on November 11, 1916. Mail carrier. Lived in Dodge Center MN, New Auburn WI and Friendship. Funeral was May 15, 1933 at Congregational Church. Rev. Barker preached the sermon. Notes for JULIA ETTA DAGGETT: Nickname "Lettie". Had sister Jane, who married Frank Harwood. Moved to Lemmon SD with Edna Daggett (unmarried) and proved up on adjacent homestead claims. More About JULIA ETTA DAGGETT: Cause of Death: Breast cancer Children of JOSEPH HOARD and JULIA DAGGETT are: i. ETHEL MAY20 HOARD, b. August 02, 1888, New Auburn, WI; d. February 02, 1961, Fort Worth, TX; m. (1) WALTER RAY CLARK, May 06, 1908, Hancock, WI; m. (2) ARTHUR MERRILL SCOTT, April 23, 1912, Montello, WI. Notes for ETHEL MAY HOARD: Notes from Clarence Hoard: " Ethel was born in New Auburn WI, then called Cartright, August 2, 1888. Later went with covered wagon to Dodge Center MN and in 1895 to Friendship WI where she has lived most of the time since. She was married to Walter Ray Clark of Frienship at Hancock WI May 6, 1908, Reverand A.H. Smith officiating. They had one daughter, Ethel Edora Clark. Ray died of T.B. at Canyon City CO October 31, 1910 and was laid to rest at Mt. Repose, Friendship WI. On April 23, 1912 Mrs Clark remarried to Arthur M. Scott at Montello WI." Notes from Christine McBride:"Ethel was known for her strong will, while Arthur was more of a soft-spoken person who loved to party. After raising their children, they moved to San Diego Ca. She suffered from TB, but did recover out there. Arthur died of a bloody nose. She then moved in with her daughter Ethyl and her family in Texas, where she remained until her death. All of their children were attractive adults and all enjoyed partying like their father had. They all loved to talk and were strong willed people like their mother had been. Although Ethel never developed breast cancer, she had two daughters die from it...Neva and Lela. It is now showing up in our generation. Neva's daughter Christine had a mastectomy in 1997. Sally also had a benign tumor removed in 1997. Maxine also had a tumor removed." More About ETHEL MAY HOARD: Cause of Death: Emphysema ii. GUY HAROLD HOARD, b. July 03, 1890, New Auburn, WI; d. January 26, 1934, Grand Marsh, WI; m. CLARA FINETA SHEPARD, June 07, 1922, Hancock, WI. Notes for GUY HAROLD HOARD: Notes from Clarence Hoard: "Guy was born at New Auburn WI and went to Dodge Center MN when very young. Later to Frienship WI where he attended school. Drove Star mail route to Coloma and back to Friendship (20 miles each way) with horses and very poor roads. Clerked in a clothing store for Charles Krejchick 2 years. Was out of town on various jobs for some time and helped build the NW Railroad. Also worked on section and in the roundhouse at Friendship. Was braking for N.W.R.R. when WWI started. Served in Co ? at Camp Grant (Rockford IL) and after returning from the war served a rural mail delivery route until his death on January 26, 1934. Guy was a short stout man and at times weighed about 170 pounds although only 5' 6" in height. He was jolly and friendly but never took a bluff from the biggest of men. He was a leader among men and spent much time in his later years in American Legion and community work at Grand Marsh where he lived and carried his mail route. He left his widow Clara Shepard and son Hollis. Clara moved to St Paul January 1, 1936 where she purchased and operated a confectionery and grocery at 1306 Payne Ave. (Hoard's Confectionery). She later married John Zimbeck of Westfield WI. Hollis served in the U.S. Navy as aerial photographer in WWII." Was a rural mail carrier. Died of heart trouble at Grand Marsh. Rev Bernhardt of Westfield preached the sermon. iii. GLADYS EDNA HOARD, b. February 02, 1892, New Auburn, WI; d. January 13, 1919, Friendship, WI; m. ROY R. HENRY, October 05, 1916, Friendship, WI. Notes for GLADYS EDNA HOARD: Notes from Clarence Hoard: "Born at New Auburn (Cartright) WI. At a young age went with parents to Dodge Center MN and when about 6 years old moved to Frienship WI where she grew to womanhood. During her mother's long illness she was the house keeper and mother to the younger children. Gladys was slim and rather frail brunette, quiet and friendly, and well liked by all for her sympathetic ways. Attended grade school until mothers illness. Married Roy R. Henry October 5, 1916 and after residing at Friendship for a short time where Roy was employed at the railroad shops, moved to Oconomowoc WI to work on Pabst Stock Farm. Roy was killed in a silo by gas in the fall of 1917. Gladys came back to Friendship and lived with his parents who were very fond of the grandson Royal Harlan Henry who was born May 1, 1917. After Gladys' death Royal left with his grandparents and an aunt who later became Mrs Anderson, for Red Wing MN. Last heard of being with Mrs Anderson (jeweler) of Red Wing." Was a nurse in A.E.F. (France), possibly St Nazairre. Was killed in an auto accident (or flu) while in France. Met Clarence M. Hoard while he was on furlough in France. More About GLADYS EDNA HOARD: Cause of Death: pneumonia Notes for ROY R. HENRY: Died in a silo accident near Oconomowoc, WI in the fall of 1917. More About ROY R. HENRY: Cause of Death: Silo accident iv. CLARENCE MANLY HOARD, b. January 12, 1894, Dodge Center, MN; d. January 31, 1987, Lehr, SD; m. IVA MYRTLE GOSS, August 19, 1920, St. Paul, MN. Notes for CLARENCE MANLY HOARD: Notes from Clarence Hoard: " Born on a farm a short distance west of town. The old house burned to the ground in the fall of 1935 consuming an old lady who had the misfortune to be trapped within. Moved with parents to Friendship WI March 14, 1895 - there I lived my younger years in quaint old Friendship in the old house at the foot of the Friendship Mound and enjoyed the luxury of clean sand, fresh air and clear pure water. We romped and roamed the hills and swam and fished and waded in the little Roche Cri Creek. There was game a plenty in the woods where we as boys spent most of our time shooting squirrels, rabbits and partridges. The Smith boys, Guy and I first hunted with a 1000 shot air rifle with which it often took that many shots to murder a poor squirrel which often had to be clubbed to death after he finally was stunned enough by shot to fall to the ground. Was we ever proud when we came home with the big game. Guy and Maly Smith were older than Percy S and myself so didn't like the idea of having us tag along, so one day as I persistently tagged up the bluff after the BIG hunters sitting down on a rock at a supposedly safe distance whenever they stopped. Maly said 'Shall I?', 'Yes, sure' said Guy. then I felt the tingle of a bb in my back. Thinking I was half dead, I ran bawling to the house. We always had a dog or two which we trained to hunt and used to hole rabbits in trees, logs or holes in the ground and sometimes spent most of a day digging them out." Mail carrier. Was a corporal (Field Artillery & Engineers) in WWI in France. v. JOSEPH LEON HOARD, b. November 29, 1895, Friendship, WI; d. September 28, 1897, Friendship, WI. More About JOSEPH LEON HOARD: Cause of Death: Cholera vi. ARTHUR DAGGETT HOARD, b. March 27, 1898, New Auburn, WI; d. May 1972, Rock Island, IL; m. IRENE FENNER, November 28, 1925, Waukegan, IL. Notes for ARTHUR DAGGETT HOARD: Was a teacher and later became a jeweler in Rock Island, IL. Collected antique autos and clocks. More About ARTHUR DAGGETT HOARD: Cause of Death: Diabetes vii. LYLE LEIGH (REILY) HOARD, b. October 09, 1902, Friendship, WI; d. January 12, 1991, Friendship, WI; m. ETHYL HOLVERSON, Unknown, unknown. viii. DAUGHTER HOARD, b. November 17, 1904. ix. ARRAH MURIEL HOARD, b. October 24, 1905, Friendship, WI; d. May 01, 1990, Pueblo, CO; m. LAWRENCE R. WOODBURY, January 28, 1926, St. Paul, MN. More About ARRAH MURIEL HOARD: Cause of Death: Diabetes, heart failure Child of JOSEPH HOARD and CORDELIA LAMPHAER is: x. ROY LLOYD20 HOARD, b. March 24, 1923, Friendship, WI; d. February 1979, unknown; m. HELEN, Unknown, unk. 6. PETER A.19 HOARD (ORANGE BATESMAN18, PARDY17, PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE) was born December 28, 1870 in Chippewa Falls, WI, and died December 14, 1962 in Cohasset, MN. He married OCEANNA CARPENTER Unknown in unknown. Children of PETER HOARD and OCEANNA CARPENTER are: i. FRANCIS20 HOARD, b. Unknown; m. JOE BERG. ii. CHARLES NASON (CHUCK) HOARD, b. Unknown; m. ETTA UPSAL. Notes for CHARLES NASON (CHUCK) HOARD: Was a milk delivery man. iii. HAZEL E. HOARD, b. February 1893; m. PETER MERTES. iv. MAIZIE O. HOARD, b. January 1895; m. ROY WOODBURY. Notes for ROY WOODBURY: Brother of Lawrence Woodbury. v. MALCOLM HOARD, b. Unknown, unknown; d. Unknown, unknown; m. UPSAL, Unknown, unknown. vi. PETER A. (JR) HOARD, b. December 27, 1896; d. July 1985, Grand Rapids, MN; m. HAZEL MERTES. vii. RUSSELL HOARD, b. Unknown, unknown; d. Unknown, unknown; m. IDELLA, Unknown, unknown. viii. HELEN (TOOTS) HOARD, b. Unknown; Adopted child; m. HAROLD LENLER. 7. CHARLES C.19 HOARD (ORANGE BATESMAN18, PARDY17, PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE) was born 1862 in WI, and died Unknown in unknown. He married GEORGIA DAVIS Unknown in unknown. Child of CHARLES HOARD and GEORGIA DAVIS is: i. ALTON20 HOARD, b. September 1888, New Auburn,Chippewa Co., WI; d. Unknown, unknown; m. ELLA CUTSFORTH, Unknown, unknown. 8. RUEBEN BENJAMIN19 HOARD (ORANGE BATESMAN18, PARDY17, PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE) was born 1865 in unknown, and died Unknown in unknown. He married ESTHER STEWART Unknown in unknown. Notes for RUEBEN BENJAMIN HOARD: Went west for logging. Was killed while loading logs. Children of RUEBEN HOARD and ESTHER STEWART are: i. BONNY20 HOARD, b. Unknown. ii. GLEN HOARD, b. Unknown. iii. VICTOR HOARD, b. Unknown. iv. ESTHER HOARD, b. Unknown. 9. OLIVE MERCY19 HOARD (ORANGE BATESMAN18, PARDY17, PARDY16, SIMEON15, EDWARD14, HEZEKIAH13 HOAR, HEZEKIAH12, BARNARD11 HORE, HENRY10, RICHARD9, THOMAS8, ROBERT7, WILLIAM6, WILLIAM5, ROBERT4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, RICHARD1 LEHORE) was born October 25, 1869 in Montello, WI, and died January 16, 1918 in Friendship, WI. She married WILLIAM JOHN QUINNELL August 21, 1887 in Bloomer, WI, son of WILLIAM QUINNELL and CAROLINE SYRED. Notes for OLIVE MERCY HOARD: Came from Neilsville in covered wagon to Friendship. Children of OLIVE HOARD and WILLIAM QUINNELL are: i. ALBERT EDWIN20 QUINNELL, b. June 13, 1889, , Clark Co., WI; d. February 19, 1965, Vesper, WI; m. ROSE IRENE POWERS, May 31, 1911, Unknown. ii. ERNEST BATESMAN QUINNELL, b. February 13, 1891, ,Clark Co., WI; d. April 23, 1912, Friendship, WI. iii. WILLIAM CHARLES QUINNELL, b. March 13, 1893, Yola, Clark Co., WI; d. February 09, 1953, Portage, WI; m. MARY FRANCIS FROLIK, May 26, 1914, Necedah, WI. iv. EARL ARTHUR QUINNELL, b. January 07, 1895, Friendship, WI; d. October 17, 1967, Friendship, WI; m. THEDA IONA POWERS, June 18, 1924. v. ELLA HESTER QUINNELL, b. April 08, 1897, Friendship, WI; d. March 31, 1911, Friendship, WI. vi. FLOYD HOARD QUINNELL, b. April 07, 1899, Friendship, WI; d. October 20, 1984, Marshfield Hosp., Wood Co., WI; m. GERTRUDE SARB, April 07, 1924. vii. FREDERICK ALTON QUINNELL, b. August 07, 1901, Friendship, WI; d. December 20, 1980, Menominee Hosp., MI; m. KATHERINE OLIVIA SORENSON, April 04, 1923. viii. OLIVE CAROLINE (DOLLY) QUINNELL, b. August 24, 1903, Friendship, WI; d. November 25, 1975, Wisconsin Rapids, WI; m. CHARLES JOHN BAUMEL, June 06, 1923, Friendship, WI. ix. EVA ETHEL QUINNELL, b. December 28, 1905, Friendship, WI; m. (1) EDWARD LOCEY; m. (2) GODDARD WALTER ROHDE, September 14, 1927, Friendship, WI. x. LEO DREXAL QUINNELL, b. April 24, 1908, Friendship, WI; d. March 26, 1972, Marshfield Hosp., Wood Co., WI; m. EDNA ANNA (NEL) SITAN, July 02, 1936, Parents' home, Kennan, WI. xi. HARRY SYRED QUINNELL, b. October 05, 1911, Friendship, WI; d. December 02, 1959, Portage (Hosp.), WI; m. CLARA AUGUSTA WINCHESTER, December 07, 1933, Luth Parsonage, Arkdale, WI. Endnotes 1. Hoar-Hoard.FTW, Date of Import: Feb 22, 1999. ====== I'm happy to announce that our newest member, Mark Hoard Kerschensteiner, is decended from William Dempster Hoard, past Gov. of WI. He is active in the community of Fort Atkins, WI and supports the Hoard Museum. I have had the pleasure of meeting Mark and his wife Valerie. Mark is the person that provided my husband and me with our "missing link" to Hezekiah Hoar of MA. Welcome aboard Mark!! ======= I'm seeking information on the family of Harold Hoard 1917-1982, of Rolfe, Iowa. Harold is my son's grandfather, and I am just starting this branch, so any information would be appreciated. I would love to view your family website. Lorna Gilbert, Houston ====== The following are some of the search engines that I used to place information onto this site. You may find them helpful to search your other surnames of interest to you. Ancestry http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/usersub/worldtree/main.htm Family History http://www.familyhistory.com/ Family Tree Maker http://www.familyhistory.com/ Gendex http://www.gendex.com:8080/display?page=surnames& GeneaNet http://www.geneanet.org/ GenWeb http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/ GenForum http://genforum.genealogy.com/ Rootsweb http://resources.rootsweb.com/surnames/ Rootsweb Worldconnect http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi Family Search (LDS) http://www.familysearch.com/ Surname Helper http://surhelp.rootsweb.com/srchall.html Gensource - Common Threads http://www.gensource.com/common/search.cfm Distant Cousins http://www.distantcousin.com/ Yates Publishing http://www.sanbachs.com/cdi.html Migrations.org http://www.migrations.org/ Genealogy World http://www.enoch.com/genealogy/ my-ged.com http://search.my-ged.com/ Gensite http://genealogy.emcee.com/ ===== Hello fellow researchers, Try this site out for looking up your ancesters. People are willing to look up information on the genealogy CD's for free.... http://genweb.net/~gen-cds/cdwftlist.html Hope this helps some of you out. One point to keep in mind...let the entire page download and you will find the CD #'s with the e-mails of the volunteers to contact for the free look ups. Happy Hunting, Sandy ===== Hi Sandra and other cousins, Nice site. Hopefully we can help each other connect. As you already know, my line comes from Indiana, via Va>Ky>Ohio. The original spelling of the name was HORD. Keep up the good work, Cheryl ====== Sandra, My grandparents names where Lee Dale Hoard and Elmira Hoard (nickname was Wavis), They had five kids (I believe maybe 7, 2 died). They were originally from Detroit MI. They moved to Gladwin MI somewheres around 1975. May have been before then. I would appreciate any information you can give me. My grandfather also worked for GM if that is any help. Thank You Becky ======== Sandra, I would like to join your sight on the Hoard family. Dana Walker TNWALKER1@twlakes.net ======= Sandra, James Wesley Hoard b. 6/7/1839, d. 6/14/1911 married Emily Scott b. 9/1/1846-48, d. 3/28/1948. They were married in Platte co. MO on 7/12/1866. A funeral card said she was born in Metamarie, IN but I have decided that it was probably Metamora, IN. They seemed to have moved around a lot. He possibly worked on the railroad but I don't know that for sure. They were both buried in Latham, Kansas and she lived there from the time he died until her death. Their second son, my grandfather was born in Hannibal, MO. Their eighth child was born in Elk Creek, NE. When James died they were on a train making a surprise trip to KS from where they were living in Arkansas. With that kind of history it makes it tough to trace them although apparently they had some kind of established connection Latham. I remember visiting my ggrandma there when I was a child. Their 10 children were: Thomas Miller Hoard, b. 6/1867; m. Ellen McCombs George Anderson Hoard, b. 8/16/1869; m. Bertha Coleman Henry Harrison Hoard b. 2/21/1872; m. Cora ? & Hester Hand Aner Jane Hoard, b. 12/29/1874; m. Jesse Soward & Charles Boyce Nora May Hoard, b. 8/14/1877; m. ? Carr & Charles Farris John William Hoard, b. 4/5/1880; m. Tudy Smith Ola Belle Hoar, b. 12/9/1882; died at 8 months of age Katie Elizabeth Hoard, b. 5/1/1884; m. Harrison Spencer Bertie Leroy Hoard, b. 3/15/1887; died at 2 years of age Elmer Hoard, b. 4/12/1890; m. Adelia ? & Augusta Applegate I am a descendant of George Hoard thru his daughter, May Hoard Adkins. I am in contact with a great granddaughter of Katie Hoard Spencer. I have a picture album that has a picture of Uncle Jim Scott which I have presumed is a brother of Emily. I have a lot of pictures that aren't identified and some that are. If you could connect any of this I would be very grateful. I hope in the next day or two to get my information on the website. Deloris ======== I noticed your post concerning a Hoard Web site. My Grandmother was a Hoard. Katie Elizabeth Hoard. I would be interested in sharing my information. My second cousin Deloris Schwarz and I have been working on our lines. Sandra Young youngs@hancock.net ========== I would be glad to share what I have although most of what I have I have found on the internet so I don't know how much new stuff I have but count me in. thanks Debbie in TX ===== Tom sent stuff to Generation 56 (from Salinda), Woden b. est. 136, following primarily through the Rachel Campbell line. The lineage is: Harry Hamilton (My husband's grandfather, m. Helen Dunn) R.D. Townsend (mother, m. Charles Harvey Hamilton) Lestora Bayley (mother m. Lewis Townsend - Tom had a picture of them) Salinda Hoard (mother m. Samuel Bayley) Gen No 1 Isaac Hoard (m. Rachel Campbell) Gen No 2 - package also follows her Isaac Hoard (m. Sally Shaw) Gen No. 3 Edward Hoar (m. Martha Cole) Gen. No. 4 Campbell: 2. Rachel 3. James Campbell II (m. Mary McCollum) 4. James Campbell I (m. Janet Humphrey of Ulster, 1715) 5. William Colonel Campbell, b. 1663 Scotland (m. ??? Maclean, b. abt. 1666 Ulster) 6. William Sir Campbell (m. ???Mc Clean b. abt. 1639 Scotland, daughter of Hector Maclean Bishop of Argyll & Jean Boyde) 7. Duncan Sir Knight Campbell (m. J. Colquhoun Baroness Carthcart) 8. Dugald Sir Campbell (m. Mary Erskine) 9. Duncan Sir. Campbell (m. Mary McLeoud) and it splits up here, too. This line follows to (Gen 15, abt. 1368) John Stewart, son of Robert III King of Scotland & Queen Anabella. (Gen. 24, abt. 1103) Robert Bruce. (Gen 27, abt. 1013) Duncan I, King of Scotland, grandson of Edmund II King of England, to William I - which can be traced to Marc Antony & Adam, so they say ; ) ======== my name is Debbie Crawford and I am the great grand- daughter of silas d. hoard. My grandfather is merrill hoard. My father was the youngest son of merrill and myrtle, Carl Hoard. I have names and some dates of Silas' other children, but no marriage info or children. Some of my dates differ from yours and some are the same. who are you related to? how do you have my family history? you mentioned a hoard web site. I am very interested. please respond. my e-mail is jenni_linds@yahoo.com ========== Hi Sandra, WOW!!! I can't believe this family tree info. I have been walking around in a daze.It's awesome. Somebody has done some homework. What do all of the numbers next to the names represent? I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't take. I'll figure it out. Info update on my dad, Carl Hoard. He married Verdona Verl Darling 3-21-1952. Her date of birth is 7-12-1931. Dad's date of death is 3-20-1997. Can I leave pictures of Silas Hoard,Merrill Hoard and my Dad? Should I make a new album? Let me know. Can I invite my sister and daughter or do you have to do it? Thanks so much for finding me. Debbie ======== Hi Sandra, yes I would be interested in joining your hoard group. I have not been very successful in finding people researching my line. Let me know what I have to do. thanks! matt mapes matthewmapes@hotmail.com ======= Hi Sandra, Do you know anything about the wisconcin Hoards? I'm now told that is where Nancy May Hoard was born in 1883 and where she married Alford Pilon in Monroe Co. Wisconsin. The year 1900. Cousin Jody ======= Hi Sandra, Thank-you for writing back. I hope we connect. My Hoard was my GreatGrandmother Lucille May Hoard b.1883 in Wisconcin. She was married in Tomah, Wisconcin in the year 1900. She married Frederic Wilford Pilon b. 1876 in Canada.(I'm working on that too). They eventially moved to Washington State. My Grand father Leslie Paul Pilon was born in Tacoma, Wash. in 1911. I can't wait to hear back from you. Jody ========== Sandra, Please invite me to your site. r-dbrown@r-v.net. My Hoard family is a very interesting one. My grandfather lost both his parents by the time he was 9. Went to live with his grandfather William H. Hoard when he was a child. He ran away at age 12 and began working with a man that helped to get him jobs. He has told me some very interesting stories, I only wish that I had documented them while he was living. Donna Brown ======== Hi Sandy, Thank you for inviteing me to your web site, I really have very little information I am doing this for my cousin. I have been trying to find a connection to, Roy Lee Dugger married to a Anna Hoard son David George Dugger born 1934 Otoe Nebraska. I pulled Davids Social Security He died 1987 on his SS it shows at one time he was in Stockton California around 1950, I am trying to start a Family Tree for my cousin, But really need help, Do you have any thing on these people? or know of anyone who might? It would really be a great help, if you know of anyone fill free to give them my email address, Thanks a Bunch, Jeanne Larimer,. ======== Hi Sandra, My name is Jolene Fanale. Me and my sister are getting ready to research our Hoard family tree. We have been working on my Father's and are soon going to start my Mother's. My Mother is Josephine Agnus (Hoard) Hemberger. This is what we know so far: Edward & Josephine (Smock) - my Mother's parents their children are: Margaret, Loretta, Erma, Josephine, Lucille, Marion, Chet, Robert, Raymond Her Grandparents were: George & Dutch Hoard George & Dutch's children: Earl, Edward, Dick, Annie, Lola, Elsie, Grace & I think Henry. As far as I know, they all were born in the central Illinois (Springfield, IL) area. Mom remembers some talk about some relatives in Kentucky, possibly her great grandparents. Please let me know if you have any of these in your family tree. Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you. Jolene Fanale JoBabe1@prodigy.net ========= Brief out line of their family furnished to Sandra Hoard by Tracy Fisher.... She needs help finding a connection to our trees!! 1. William Hoard, b. 12/30/1894, d. 2/1967, m. Helen Children of William and Helen Hoard were: a. Earl Hoard, b. 5/26/1923, d. 4/1985 b. Donald Unwin Hoard, b. 10/11/1935, d. 7/26/1996 c. Frederick Hoard, b. 2/3/1930, d. 2/1977 d. Raymond Hoard, b. 8/15/1925, d. 5/1984 e. William Hoard, b. 6/10/1921, d. 9/22/1992 f. Marguerite Wilhelm Hoard, b. 4/24/1933...living in NY Child of b. Donald Hoard: i. Tracy Fisher ======= My husband's Hoard's are decended from Hezekiah Hoar who came to America as a planter to New England on the ship "Recovery of London". Gabriel Cornish, master of ship. Sailed from Weymouth, Dorset, England about 3/31/1633. Hezekiah settled in MA. Our branch of the family then moved onto RI and then NY. Isaac Hoard was an American Revolutionary War Hero and served in the 4th Reg., Albany Co., N.Y. Our Edward Hoard relocated from NY to Washington, MI sometime about 1827. Our family of Hoard's then located to Leonard, MI to Oakwood, MI to Oxford, MI.
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